Day 19 – The Bone

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Here is the answer if you are looking for the Wheres Wally Advent Calendar 2019 Answer for THE BONE on day 19.

OMG M&S and Where’s Wally have done us a dirty on this one! If you are struggling to find the Bone, don’t worry, so is everyone else. The Bone is actually almost camouflaged with a white background and so tiny! Whhhhhy would they do that! (secretly love it though).

Down the right side of the Advent Calendar, just off center. On the very top righthand corner of door 3, next to a green smiley alien and just to the left of the Floppy Hat Santa, is where you’ll find it. The relief!

Was The Bone harder to find than The Key? Let us know in the comments below!

m&s wheres wally advent calendar answer BONE

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