Happy Christmas Eve Eve! Below you’ll find the 2021 Where’s Wally Advent Calendar answer for day 23, WALLY.
Today it’s the main man himself! It’s Wally! Waldo, Walter, Charlie, Holger, Vallu, 尋找威利, whatever you call him, he’s the most famous stripy sweater wearer in the world!
Mixing things up this year, as usually Wally is the final door, little weird, but very in-keeping with the chaotic vibe of the 2021 Where’s Wally Advent Calendar. What could possibly be on door 24 tomorrow that’s better than Wally?
You’ll find Wally laden with accessories and even a walking stick! (is he ok?) on door number 2. If you threw away the doors earlier in the month, hey, we got you! He’s just to the top left of the ski hut which is on the right hand side of the calendar, close to the Man Ski Jumping from day 4.