Day 24 – Man with the Parachute

Happy Christmas Eve!

Here is the answer for the final day, day 24, of the M&S 2021 Where’s Wally Advent Calendar. It’s not Wally this year, its a man with a Parachute.. By this point of the year I am just not surprised that it isn’t something more fun to try and find. Or maybe it can symbolism us flying into next year safely.

You will find the Man with the Parachute to the very left of the calendar just under the label that says ‘Milk Chocolate Calendar’. Just to the top right of the Speedboat from day 10.

How have you found the 2021 Where’s Wally Advent Calendar this year? too hard? too easy? Comment below!

Its been fun helping you all find the answers, wishing you a merry and joyful Christmas and a great year ahead. be nice to each other, we’re all in this together. See you again next year (don’t forget to bookmark the site)!


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