Day 5 – Elves Holding The Score Cards

This is an old page. You are currently viewing the 2020 version of the Where’s Wally Advent Calendar. For the 2021 answers please check back to the homepage, they will be up each day at (around) midnight.

Here is the answer if you are looking for the Wheres Wally Advent Calendar 2020 The Elves Holding the Score Cards on day 5.

A unanimous vote of zero from all the Elves. Oh dear Santa, the Elves do not look happy. Possibly you aren’t either, out here looking for the answer, but we are here to bring the smile back and a sense of relief, you don’t need more stress this year!

This is a humdinger of a door, and may have been driving you absolutely mad, especially if you’re one of those that throws away the doors – don’t throw away the doors…. because the answer is on the door! not just any door either, it’s on door number 5, the one you have just opened! In-between the Santas decorating the tree from yesterday and the camera from day 2.

Did this day catch you out? Do you get rid of the doors? How long did you spend looking for these cheeky elves? Let us know in the comments below!

find the elves holding the score cards answer for wheres wally advent calendar 2020


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