Day 5 | Find Odlaw

Here is the answer/solution if you are trying to find Odlaw on day 5

As tradition dictates, we must find Odlaw on day 5. It’s a christmas tradition spanning back, well, only 2 years actually. But since 2021 Odlaw has ALWAYS been behind door number 5, so now, it is tradition and must not be broken.
As is tradition, he is tiny and sneaky and is only popping out his little head, so finally, possibly for the first time this year, a challenge!

You’ll finding Odlaw poking his tiny head out of the top most window, in the roof of the red Chalet.

Don’t feel bad for being here, if you could see the analytics, you’d know, you’re not alone… 3 other people also got stuck finding Odlaw. Just kidding, Odlaw stumps hundreds of people each year, and coming here, to this site, is just about better than a headache.


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