This is an old page. You are currently viewing the 2020 version of the Where’s Wally Advent Calendar. For the 2021 answers please check back to the homepage, they will be up each day at (around) midnight.
Here is the answer if you are looking for the Wheres Wally Advent Calendar 2020 FALLEN SANTA on day 3.
Finally a new one, find the fallen (or drunk??) santa. Quite a few of these Santas look like they’re having a very merry ol’ time – maybe a bit too merry?
You’d think Santa would be pretty good at winter sports like Ice Skating, he’s got all year to practice. Lucky he has his Elves to help him out this slippery situation. Anyway, lets get on with it, you aren’t here for a story, you just want the answer on where to find the Fallen Santa on the 2020 version of the Where’s Wally Advent Calendar, all this extra fluff doesn’t help your suffering. suffering, hmm all very 2020 isn’t’ it.
You’ll find THE FALLEN SANTA being dragged off the ice by some elves at the bottom left of the calendar. Just off to the left of the day 1 door.