Day 11 – The Frog With The Crown

This is an old page. You are currently viewing the 2019 version of the Where’s Wally Advent Calendar. For the 2020 answers please check back to the homepage, they will be up each day at (around) midnight.

Here is the answer if you are looking for the Wheres Wally Advent Calendar 2019 FROG WITH THE CROWN on day 11.

This sassy frog you’ve seen before right? Right! It’s another one of those where, if you are one of those people that gets rid of the doors once you open them, you’ll be searching for a very very long time. As you will find this frog queen on door number 4 (I know, I know it’s really hard to find the door numbers!). So it’s on the right hand side, pretty central, just to the right of sneaky Odlaw that you found on day 7.

Don’t forget to comment down below when you find it! How long did it take you?

frog with the crown wheres wally

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