Day 24 – Wally! 2020

This is an old page. You are currently viewing the 2020 version of the Where’s Wally Advent Calendar. For the 2021 answers please check back to the homepage, they will be up each day at (around) midnight.

Happy Christmas Eve!

It’s the main man today! and double chocolate! Day 24 of the M&S Where’s Wally Advent Calendar will have you looking for THE guy, WALLY himself!

Here’s a tip, he is not the actual size you see behind the door, he’s not even waving! You’ll find Wally’s little head poking out of the crowd of Santas watching the reindeer race, on the right-hand side of the track close to the angry reindeers from day 21. Just below the Giant Present, on the edge of door number 4.

I’m pretty sure this is the only Wally on the calendar, despite him not waving, but do leave a comment if you find him anywhere else! How have you found the calendar this year? too hard? too easy? Comment below!

Its been fun helping you all find the answers, wishing you a merry and joyful Christmas. Take care of yourselves and each other, we’re all in this together. Wear a mask and may next year be a better one, pleaaaase let it be better! See you again next year (don’t forget to bookmark the site)! 😀


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